Marketing your Legal Practice with your Website

Studies have shown that you have ONLY 8 SECONDS to convince a consumer to explore your website.

Your website is your legal practice's "internet entrance." You want this "internet entrance" to be as welcoming as your trained receptionist at your brick-and-mortar office.


Device Friendly With Fast Site Loading


Consumers expect that your website loads quickly and contains all the appropriate information (recall NAP?). Consumers also expect smooth website access from all device types. If your website isn't device-friendly, potential clients are more likely to look past your legal practice and head to your competitor.


Is it That Easy to Lose a Potential Client?


You bet! Make sure your website is performing 24/7 for the benefit of your legal practice. Not AGAINST.


Improve the Interaction with Your Potential Client


Starting with a responsive, device-friendly website is only the beginning. Your website must be informative and relatable. Consumers want to get to know a business before joining forces.


Here are some ideas to help you understand what type of content your clients want.


  • Establish your NAP (business Name, office Address, contact Phone)
  • Include your hours of business
  • Find directions to your legal practice
  • Review available legal services
  • Book an appointment
  • See client testimonials
  • Find out about the history of your legal practice and attorneys and any other information that could make you stand out from competitors.


Your Practice Website Represents YOU Online.


Develop a website that creates a lasting impression.